Foundations + Growth


As promised, in honor of my birthday I wanted to share the full collective message with everyone. Usually this is reserved for my Patreon (which you can also sign up for! Plenty of goodies there) but wanted to give a sneak preview of what I offer.

I recommend you go back and hear April’s Collective message to reflect and integrate — take the lessons you learned and energies you want to maintain — and add them to your toolkit for May. The messages that came up for May were around the themes of foundations and growth.

My stepson was drinking tea and he read the quote on the tea label which I want to share with you all.

“There is no prosperity without gratitude.”

Here is your reminder to nourish yourselves and shift your mindset to gratitude. I usually will start my morning and end my night with a mental list of things / situations of the day that I’m grateful for but recently started writing down a physical list again.

In the message I speak of situations and people that are coming into your life this month and will be offering opportunities and resources. Practice discernment with each energy that comes into your life — do you feel depleted? Do you feel energized? Who will help you build and maintain your foundation? Remember this is a collaborative effort. For some of us we are looking for a teacher or a mentor and they will be stepping into our lives to help us level up, for some of you — you are that teacher. I loved the synchronicity of this message because I will be teaching my first Reiki training next week haha.

Would love to know if this resonated or connected with you all. If it didn’t that’s okay too. This is just a suggested message to be mindful of. The themes that came through are also just suggestions — you can pick your own word to focus on in May! And remember this is not how May is going to play out — you decide how you want your month to go.

Suggested Mantras:

I know that when I nourish myself first, I build the capacity to pour nourishment back into the things and people I love.

I take my time to find my chosen family. When I do, we are bonded through devotion.


Want to meditate but don't know where to start?

This free Reiki-infused meditation by Reiki Master Teacher Riana Stellburg will guide you to call back your energy and ground down using music, visualization and breathwork.


Why should I meditate?

  • Feeling overwhelmed or unmotivated
  • Processing grief, anger or trauma
  • Great for nourishment, releasing, and healing
Thank you! Check your inbox for your free meditation.

For my birthday and in the spirit of April being Autism Acceptance and Awareness Month, I wanted to raise money to help 501(c)(3) non-profit High Vibrational Child off the ground. Their goal is $12,000, they are currently at $3,080 and I'd like to donate $500 or whatever I can fundraise to this amazing cause.

This money will give 100 children discounted Reiki (energy medicine) sessions and cover tuition for 10 parents who want to learn how to do Reiki on themselves and their loved ones.

This was inspired by my long-time teacher and mentor Britt Yap's 4-year-old son Reef Kamaha'o who is Autistic and a healer. HVC is about encouraging more unconditional love and acceptance for our keiki and ubbing who are deemed 'different' by society.

I’m currently at $140 and if you enjoyed this month’s collective message, I would love for you to donate as a tip. Any dollar amount or even sharing this fundraiser helps <3 I appreciate you all and thank you!

Facebook pays all the processing fees for you, so 100% of your donation goes directly to the nonprofit.

Thank you for taking the time to read all this. I appreciate you.



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Honolulu creative.

Forgiveness & Self-Reclamation

