Forgiveness & Self-Reclamation

While I was taking a salt bath, I had a weird epiphany about my role as a guide, mentor and teacher. Sometimes we put guides, mentors and teachers on a pedestal or authoritative position thinking they are healed completely and that they’re perfect.

I was thinking about movies and how the main character always goes on some journey and they need help. They need someone who has been down that path before, encountered and moved beyond whatever challenges and obstacles came in their way. The guide is always juggling their present Self and Higher Self — they want to help those who ask for it because they had help on their journey but at the same time, they know that they must at some point let the person go on their own path, without their guidance.

The guide will always at some point disappear and the person is left to apply whatever lessons they learned from their guide, integrate it with their intuition (with lots of self-doubt, ego in the way) and figure it out eventually. They level up! THEN the guide comes back and is like, “SEE, you got this” but does anyone notice that the guide has also leveled up? They either die, or transcend into another universe, or become their Higher Self. Did I lose you there? Haha.

I wanted to get that out of my head before I forgot. Honestly I thought of Lord of the Rings the entire time when Gandalf the Grey transcended into Gandalf the White because he was healed. I’m such a nerd lol.

Since I’ve completed two trainings, I have found myself spiritually, energetically, leveling up and things that I used to like or rely on no longer work for me anymore. In Reiki, when someone is attuned, they go on a 21-day cleanse of integration. I didn’t realize that I would be going on one too haha.

In the beginning of last season, I created my spring playlist but now that we are shifting and transitioning into a new season — here is my summer playlist.


May was all about foundation and growth, June is about forgiveness, self-reclamation, love and healing.

Two cards came out for the collective, Love and Passion.

Love is coming here to remind us that love is all around us and it exists in your life. Sometimes not in the way you realize. When I look at the illustration, it looks like rays of the sun being shined everywhere. Where and how is love manifesting in your life and how are you embracing it? In what ways are you not embracing it? Think about every situation, place, or person that you left your energy with. Forgive, release and let go so that you can take back your power and reclaim it.

Although it can be painful and uncomfortable facing these shadow parts of us, it is still a part of us. Once we are able to recognize and bring it up to the surface, we can receive more of ourselves.

Passion goes hand in hand with love. Looking at the card, there’s a sense of duality — with love there is passion, with passion there is creation. How do you perceive passion? Usually passion is linked to lust but in this case, it’s all love. Is it learning a new hobby? Is it going on a date? Is it hanging out with family? Is it asking yourself, “Do I love this? Am I passionate about this?” All the question prompts haha.

I wanted to leave you all with this prayer / intention from the wrapping of my bath salts, feel free to use this for the month of June:

I open my heart

and mind to receive love,

prosperity, and happiness.

Beautiful things happen to

me, in me, and around me.

I give freely into life

and life gives back to me.

I am filled with kindness,

compassion, and gratitude.


Congratulations to my in-person and online class for completing their Answer Your Call training + attunement!


I’m honestly still on a high from this past month’s trainings. These students showed up everyday excited and ready to unlearn and learn. Most importantly they showed up for themselves. Thank you for having me as your guide on this new chapter!

So excited to see their growth as healers.

Be safe and I’m so grateful that you’re here,




Honolulu creative.

Balance + Mindfulness


Foundations + Growth