currently: learning

Can’t believe it’s been almost a year since I’ve shared a message for the collective and posted in this journal.

Thank you for giving me grace and patience during this time.

Let’s get into this message.

Woke up, felt motivated and inspired to create, speak, and share some things. Drank my coffee, lit my Bravura alignment candle, and asked for courage, clarity, aim and guidance. Prayed for liberation, ease, and relief for all.

I've been processing a lot of changes that has happened in my own life and a question that comes up time and time again (usually as a check-in) is

How do I want to show up today?

This isn't just about how I present myself on the outside, but more about how I choose to be present in the various spaces I inhabit. 

Other questions that I ask myself:

  • How do I want my presence to influence those around me?

  • What kind of energy and attitude do I want to bring into my relationships, my work, and my personal moments?

  • How can I be fully engaged and authentic today?

  • How can I ensure that my presence reflects who I truly am and what I aspire to be?

I invite you all to ask yourselves these questions and come up with your own definition to these terms. And if these questions feel overwhelming…maybe just start with the one on top:

How do I want to show up today?

After almost a year, I felt inspired and motivated to record a message. When I finished recording it, I started thinking about podcasts and how much I love listening to them. A podcast has been on my mind for years but I never felt inspired enough to start one. There were attempts to start one with others, but sometimes life presents unforeseen challenges or the universe reminds us that the timing isn’t right yet…and that's what happened.

Initially, I saw this as an organizational opportunity—I needed a single place to upload and catalog all my existing messages. I already had everything I needed; I wasn't creating anything new. I had tried different platforms, SoundCloud, Squarespace, and it was difficult to stick with one. I think the key here for me was that I didn't freak myself out saying I had to hard launch this podcast and make it this huge thing. I would use it for now as a platform to host what I was already putting out and later when I had time, energy, and capacity…I could pour into it.

Once I clarified my purpose at the moment knowing that it would eventually evolve, choosing a name for the podcast and designing the cover art became easy—tasks that had previously felt challenging. I didn’t allow myself to overthink it, dwell on the commitment, or seek validation from others—though none of these behaviors are inherently negative, they often are obstacles for me when I’m trying to move forward on an idea.

I just gave myself permission to do it.

So for now, it'll be a catalog of my messages, I do intend to have guests on it and I can see it evolving…but this is how I'm showing up right now in that space.

Wednesday July 31st is my next online group breathwork and energy healing container. Please note that this session will be recorded, but only my face and voice will be included. No participant video or audio will be recorded. If you can't make the live session, you can still book your spot to receive the replay which is timeless.

As always, thank you for being in ebb and flow with me.

x Riana


Honolulu creative.

currently: moody and introspective


currently: experimenting