Reset, Replenish, Ritualize.

6-week container and program clearing out energy, objects, and relationships that are causing stagnation in your life to create space for replenishment and ritual.

You have instant access to this course for life.

Workshops held every Tuesday February 28 - April 4

For 3 months
One time

What are you ready to release and reset? This video course is a look into Riana’s personal reset process.

An Invitation to Reset.

We must be willing to get rid of the life we’ve planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us.”

— Joseph Campbell, Reflections on the Art of Living

What are you ready to release? This video course is a look into Riana’s personal reset process. The foundation of the course is built upon nourishing your internal and external houses. Course content will be available in the Members Area including videos, worksheets, and inspiration to get you through. Riana will also be hosting a Zoom Meeting to workshop concepts in the course.


Hi, I’m Riana.

I’m a Honolulu-based interdisciplinary healing arts practitioner and creative.

Ever since I was a child I’ve always juggled different activities — that multi-hyphenate interest carried throughout my adulthood as I juggled multiple businesses as an entrepreneur, owned a brick-and-mortar, school, kids and my personal life. People would ask, “How do you do it all?” or “I don’t know how you do it.” I was known for being busy and having a full schedule but that wasn’t what I wanted to be known for.

After constantly going through burnout cycles and physical sicknesses, I had a wake up call that it was time to reset. This course is an in-depth look into my reset routine — a ritual I started in 2018 and would do annually but then transitioned to doing it every season.

This ritual grounds and anchors me every time and I’m excited to share it with all of you in hopes it will help you as much as it has helped me.

Why do we need to reset?

When we reset our lives, we are clearing a path, creating safe space, and initiating habits that invite us to live in the moment. Resetting is a process of focusing our attention on the things we value. By defining what we love or what brings us joy we’re able to maintain the vitality achieved through the resetting process. At the core resetting is really about empowering ourselves to live in the moment.

Resetting looks different for everyone, but should evoke the same realizations and change no matter what your situation might be. The Reset Course and Worksheets were created from my personal approach to recalibrating my mind, body, and spirit. The process and philosophy is simple and alliterated for your pleasure—reset, replenish, ritualize. We will dive into each part of the process separately, although the truth is they’re all eternally interconnected.

If we think of life as a mortal coil, it begins to take on a spiral shape. Each loop is a level up. Resetting is a sign that you’re growing, and an opportunity to check yourself along the way.

In all pursuits we aim for clarity, inspiration, and creative freedom. These are words we live by.

What will I gain
from this course?

✦ Gain confidence to release what is no longer in alignment with your values

✦ Learn my process for resetting the mind, body, and spirit: a blend of practicality and mysticism

✦ Integrate these principles into your life to create a personalized action plan for empowerment

✦ A new perspective on growth and spirituality that allows you to level up through routine

✦ Participate in a Breathwork and Energy Healing container to help move these energies through

✦ Behind the scenes videos of my exact Reset ✧ Replenish ✧ Ritualize routine

✦ Access to a safe and supportive community who are on a similar journey

For 3 months
One time