Retreat and Nourishment

I had so many plans for January, felt all this motivation after I came back from my vacation then once January actually started I felt tired. All these different expressions and essences of myself have been feeling out of balance and flow now that I’m integrating (or forever integrating haha) into 2022.

I am a woman, I am a wife, I am a sister, I am a daughter, I am a mother, I am a stepmother, I am a healer, I am a connector, I am a mediator, I am a business owner, I am a cook, I am a cleaner, I am a designer, I am a creator, ——— the list goes on and on. When I put out my call for a personal assistant, I listed down everything I did that I would need help with and for a moment I sat there in front of the screen thinking, “I do all of this!? AND RUN MY BUSINESS AND MY LIFE?”

It was like I had already been feeling that load but once I saw it listed in front of me in my own words, the load felt heavy.

I keep thinking of Solange’s Can I Hold The Mic where she says —-

I can't be a singular expression of myself
There's too many parts, too many spaces
Too many manifestations, too many lines
Too many curves, too many troubles
Too many journeys, too many mountains
Too many rivers, so many

According to the Human Design test, I am a manifesting generator — multi-passionate, doing lots of different things all at the same time, able to initiate and make things happen easily. We give energy to what is calling us most at the moment and once we start to feel resistance, we move to something else.

Hearing Solange’s lyrics resonated so deeply, one of my main themes for 2022 is consistency and after reading the manifesting generator’s description…I’m up for a challenge haha. I have to remember that my adaptability and ability to change is my strength. It’s just about trusting myself and my path, even though there’s quite a few paths 😂

Throughout January, challenges came up for me — testing me if I will set my boundaries and protect and defend them, if I will add more to my plate or be honest with my energy and capacity, if I will feed in to being reactive and people-pleasing, if I will grant myself compassion and rest. I kept telling myself this time and feeling was not permanent and that I will find my rhythm and flow again. Now that we are transitioning into February, I feel that load lightening, I feel that I’m moving through my days a little easier and I’m moving through sticky situations slower with discernment and a new found respect for my Self. I’m wishing the same for all of you.

February Message — For The Collective

Last month was all about clarity and communication — we are still carrying over those themes in February but we are also being called to focus on retreat and nourishment. Yes. Our ancestors and guides have the longest to do list for us haha andddd they want us to do it slowly, really relishing each step, each resting stop, each lesson, each milestone.

After consulting our guides and the Tarot, these are the affirmations or what I like to call “anchors for Self” that came up for me. These are just suggestions, I recommend you create your own and speak them every day! Let them ground you and remind you throughout this month.

Updates + Upcoming Events

I had so much fun with whoever made it out to 🍒 Shua Ting at Hideout Waikīkī! Mahalo to our special guest Hina Haze and my sista + DJ Partner Gnaraly. The energy was next level and loved all the women that were in the front singing and jamming. Miss doing events like this ❤️ we'll be having our 3 year anniversary soon, more news on that soon.

Cuffin’ Honolulu is back!

Right when I thought I was going to slow down on DJing it came back into my life again, per usual haha. I’m not even surprised anymore. Excited to get back into the flow of playing music (when I want to of course) and seeing people.

We’re getting ready to relaunch Cuffin’ Honolulu after a 2 year break with special guest DJ Caldee. We’ll be playing R&B all night (my fave) and it’s Valentine’s day weekend too ❤️ if you’re in Honolulu hope you can stop by.

After a 2-month break, I am offering my next Breathwork & Energy Healing container on Feb 19th over Zoom. Portion of the proceeds will be donated to Pasifika Mutual Aid Collective's Disaster Pa'anga Assistance to help families in Tonga. If you'd like to donate directly, head over to their Instagram.

I am excited to offer this again to the public! If you are looking to try breathwork or energy healing, this is a great place to start and it's for a great cause.

Thank you for reading till the very end,



Honolulu creative.

Allowance and Implementation


clarity and strength