Replenishing in February

As my Instagram cleanse is coming to close, I’ve been thinking about how I’m going to move forward with Instagram. I just found out that you can post on Instagram through Facebook so that’s nice to know. At least I won’t be tempted to scroll aimlessly. I’ve had 4 people reach out, checking in to see if I was okay which was incredibly sweet.

I’ve been pressured a couple of times to log back in and I did end up posting a flyer for my Full Moon twitch stream which you can watch here and not going to lie. I felt a little guilty about that. The second time I felt pressured because I received some news!

I am now taking in-person appointments at The Mānoa House. I’m honestly still processing this update myself haha. Being in a place with other healers and practitioners has been something I've been looking forward to ever since I began this journey. I had no idea that I would become part of any health & wellness space so soon. I’m very grateful for the support and I’m kind of uncomfortable — but I am more excited than any other feeling.


Books are open starting February 13th.

safe, face-to-face Reiki or Tarot sessions

Mānoa holds such a special energy for me. I went to Saint Francis School (no longer running, class of 2007) in Mānoa Valley. I just spent 20 mins trying to look for photos of me in my St. Francis uniform haha. Must be on my old photobucket or something. Maybe one day I will upload some photos from my yearbooks.

It was really nice going to a school that was surrounded by greenery. We even had a stream in the back of our cafeteria. This was a huge contrast to where I went to school for elementary which was also another private Catholic school— no greenery, just paved roads and brick. I felt for the most part grounded. I would walk to Andy’s Sandwiches on my lunch breaks, do homework in the courtyard, have deep convos with friends sitting on the grass or just run around on the lawn — constantly being outdoors and getting busted by teachers by being too loud or breaking dress code (I would wear my extra earrings on my uniform, color my hair, you know the whole deal haha.) I specifically remember winter time when it would pour every day and how much I loved wearing my sweater to school. Watching the rain in the ASC just hit different, felt like Chillhop on YouTube.

It’s really serendipitous for me to be returning to Mānoa as an adult.

It’s healing, purifying, and the perfect place to do this work. Can’t wait to share the space with you all.

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Reset, Replenish, Ritualize $88.88

Opening Friday, February 5th.

Free for EVRTH Annual Subscribers.

From December to January, you’ve been seeing me drop hints about my Reset course that will be releasing on Feb. 5th in my new Members Area. Really excited for this because I am opening up a new door and outlet for myself — teaching. In 2018, I found myself browsing Reset routines on YouTube and felt a lot of them were pretty superficial when I wanted something deeper. I found Rachel Nguyen’s (@thatsochic) video and loved what she brought to the table. She inspired me to create my own reset routine and like with all things in my life, if I don’t see it out there, I will figure out a way to create it myself. Throughout the years, I would do this routine several times, not just once and that’s the beauty of this routine. It’s timeless.

After being told to teach more by my ancestors, guides and mentors — I thought to myself well, what can I teach?

I’m a huge productivity nerd and love researching different ways to be productive / unproductive and to just have a better flow and clarity to my every day life. I thought this course would be a great way to combine productivity with mysticism haha. My fave combo.

Okay so after that plug — let’s talk about February.

Self-love has been repeating in my head and that’s what this month’s collective message was all about. After spending December and January resetting — it’s time to replenish and nourish what’s been cleared.

This card fits in perfectly with the course I’m releasing this Friday. What do we need to clear in order to bring in abundance?

You can hear the full collective message on Patreon where I pull more cards and go more into detail on what’s to come.

I’d love to see what your intentions are for the month of February. What are some ways you can create more love for your Self and your body?

Hope this resonates.



Creating these messages take time, energy and effort. Thank you for sharing these with loved ones and crediting me. Every bit counts.

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Honolulu creative.

seasons ☼


TAW — The Artist’s Way